Publishing can be scary

You thought you were alone? You thought only your journey as a writer was dark and full of horrors? Far from it. Whether you seek the traditional publish path or the self publishing route, we all must face our own trials and face our own demons.

Allison Gunn, author of NOWHERE (Atria – March 25, 2025) and E.W. Doc Parris, author of THE AURORA’S PALE LIGHT (Magic Genius Books – November 29, 2024) will be sitting down every week to talk shop about publishing. Join them as they compare harrowing tales about traditional publishing and self publishing.


Our first season will be six weekly episodes full of good conversation, some thought provoking exploration, and plenty of laughter.


Writing takes time. Life takes time. How do you as a writer find the time for both and what kinds of stress does that create?


What do you expect? From your writing? From your readers? Oftentimes expectations lead to anxiety. How do you manage all of that?


Allison and Rick have very different approaches when it comes to reviews and ratings. They dive into their reasons and how well their approach works.